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Sallie Taylor - Icicle Abstraction

Icicle Abstraction, 2011, 30" x 20", oil on canvas, SOLD

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Pool, Cullasaja River, 2020, 48" x 32", oil on canvas

These paintings don't really fit within the other categories. They do reflect my ongoing response to things in nature.


The skull in Dr. Lucifer becomes a landscape conveying deeply personal symbology.


The icicles in Icicle Abstraction were originally intended to hang horizontally. The painting is signed with that orientation. Years later, I was setting the painting aside, in a vertical orientation, and loved it that way. It sold that way.


The things that lie beneath the surface of water have always been just as compelling as the reflections on the water. In Pool, I placed three leaves in various states of decomposure in a circular orientation with the cycle of life in mind.

Sallie Taylor - Dr Lucifer

Dr. Lucifer, 1998, 26" x 24", oil on canvas, SOLD

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